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June 04, 2020


Whatever is your extruded product and regardless of the elastomer reinforcements  , we have a solution ..

May 25, 2020


The latest version of the gearpump injector is equipped with an hidraulic  locking system that can fit the nozzle of any types  .The  mid size unit fits very well 10 to 100 kgs and over with an average mold filling volume of 6 kg per minute.

ig and gìuge molded articles normally compression molded have now a revlutionary system capable to cut the cure time of 60%  as an average and the labour to almost zero!

May 04, 2020

Hard times with a light in the sky ... Tempi duri ma appare una luce

Innovation and  sacrifice are the driver to the growth  ...

April 08, 2020

Pills from the Covid Times by Maurizio Coscia , english script

Covid Times pills, April 6, 2020


Fortunately, Celafaremo, “We will get it” , the hashtag of illusions, has gone out of fashion in Italy , the reality is that this virus-induced crisis is killing and killing many human beings and many activities and will not be in itself a springboard; the relaunch must be built day by day with hard work and a minimum of social commitment; history never repeats itself in the same terms and from a period of comfortable lives and unhealthy habits we can returnto normality in a way totally different from our grandfathers after Second World War , by new behaviors different models and ... the same spirit of sacrifice.

• I hope that the definition of heroes for simple citizens who have to stay at home or have to go to work will soon go out of fashion too ; we better leave this definition only to those who do more than their duties, in particular for those who work in healthcare and do it with such dedication.

• In reality this is a crisis induced by change, someone names it correctly progress, which makes a serious duty of life unacceptable in times of epidemic . Only 30, 50 or 100 years ago few habits would have changed so radically and so harmfully to cope with invisible evil; that is, no political leader or spiritual guide or public administrator today would have the courage to make unpopular but probably more forward-looking decisions such as gradually creating natural immunity through the continuation of work activities and human activities that are less potentially contagious and with all the best precautions that can be adopted (a sort of Swedish model adapted to the different national and local realities… provided that the Swedes hold up); all these resources not unnecessarily lost must be used to avoid waves of return of the virus in the short term but above all to avoid the recurrence of epidemics or pandemics.

• I hear often from Korean and Chinese customers and suppliers, now apparently out of danger, perhaps with less trauma than us because with different and more "closed" social lives; it was not said that it was easy to immediately apply their models we installed with guilty delay, it is certain that that their experience seems to give sense to the sacrifices ... even if I do not agree.

• The role of the Trade Unions in the crisis did not seem positive to me, capable of putting the spins on the wheels of companies and administrations animated by good will and frightening the workers; it makes me suspect that the very survival of the Italian Trade Union depends on the level of desperation of its clients ...

• Shooting on politicians and public administrators is like shooting on the Red Cross but the indifference of symbolic or substantial gestures of charity and solidarity is evident; no proposals regarding the cutting of their own salaries and of public employees operating in smart work mode has been done. Also for various reasons and the majority of workers simply means staying at home.

This morning I spoke on the phone with a university executive, indirectly a new customer , who signaled to me how one of his proposals in this sense had been quickly covered up by colleagues and bosses.

• However, it is a constant thought that the greater weight of these provisions will weigh , as for the public debt accumulated in Italy , on the younger generations: it is a bit as if technocracy in power always tends to favor the generation it belongs to… and it says so an old one.

• A thought on the subject of macroeconomics and on our country: if Italy as the weakest country wants to get out of this crisis well, it must oblige Europe to issue guaranteed bonds and if someone in Europe opposes: ITEXIT ( Italy out of European Community) with new friends and partner in the USA with Trump and or Johnson's UK, it is much better to become their colony than have a Greece 2 ( I have been in Athens last summer and saw the mess of the combined actions from Europe and local government) ... perhaps it is only with a total disrupture that Italic individualism could regroup forces and exalt in its uniqueness.

• A rational bettor would be embarrassed today having to choose between 2 options on the future of Italy, with both listed equally : 1st option, Italy continues in the progressive decline that started at least 20 years ago 2nd option Italy restarts with many resources, energies and commitment and despite many difficulties it returns to grow more than the European and even world average: as an incurable optimist I will bet on the second, but I would like it at 1 and ½ ...


Maurizio Coscia...

April 08, 2020

Pillole dal Covid Times di Maurizio Coscia , italian script

Pillole dei Covid Times , 6 Aprile 2020


  • Per fortuna e’ passato di moda  Celafaremo , l’hashtag delle illusioni  , la realtà è che questa crisi indotta dal virus  sta uccidendo e uccidera’ tanti esseri umani  e tante attivita’ e non sara’ di per se’ un trampolino di rilancio ; il rilancio va costruito giorno per giorno col lavoro quotidiano ed un minimo di impegno sociale ; la storia non si ripete mai nei medesimi termini  e da un periodo di vacche grasse e di insane abitudini  non si esce come fecero gli avi piu’ affamati dalla seconda guerra mondiale , ci vogliono modelli diversi e ... lo stesso spirito di sacrificio.

  • Tra poco spero passi di moda anche la definizione di eroi per i semplici cittadini che devono rimanere a casa ovvero recarsi al lavoro ; lasciamo questa definizione  solo a chi fa piu’ del proprio dovere , in particolare per chi opera nella sanità e lo fa con tanta dedizione .

  • In realtà questa e’ una crisi indotta dal cambiamento , dal  progresso qualcuno giustamente sostiene, che rende inaccettabile un grave dazio di vite umane in tempi di epidemia , solo 30, 50 o 100 anni fa poche abitudini sarebbero mutate cosi’ radicalmente e cosi’ dannosamente per far fronte al male invisibile ; ovvero nessun capo politico o guida spirituale o amministratore pubblico avrebbe oggi il coraggio di decisioni impopolari ma probabilmente piu’ lungimiranti come quello di creare gradatamente  un’immunità naturale attraverso la continuazione delle attivita’ lavorative e delle attivita’ umane meno potenzialmente contagiose  e con tutte le migliori precauzioni adottabili ( una sorta di modello svedese adattato alle diverse realtà nazionali e locali … posto che gli svedesi reggano) ; tutte queste risorse non inutilmente perse vanno impiegate per evitare onde di ritorno del virus nel breve  ma soprattutto per evitare il ripetersi di epidemie o pandemie.

  • Sento clienti e fornitori coreani e cinesi , ormai apparentemente fuori pericolo , forse con meno traumi di noi perche’ con vite sociali diverse e piu’ “chiuse” ; non e’ detto che fosse facile applicare immediatamente i loro modelli installati con colpevole ritardo , certo e’ che quella esperienza pare dare un senso ai sacrifici … anche se non mi trova d’accordo .

  • Non mi e’ parso positivo  il ruolo dei sindacati nella crisi , capace di mettere i bastoni tra le ruote a imprese e amministrazioni animate da buona volonta’ ed impaurire le maestranze ; mi fa sospettare  che la sopravvivenza stessa del sindacato italiano dipenda dal livello di disperazione dei propri assistiti …

  • Sparare su politici ed amministratori pubblici  e’ come sparare sulla Croce Rossa ma e’ lampante l’indifferenza di gesti simbolici o sostanziosi di beneficenza e solidarietà ; quasi nessuna proposta in merito al taglio si stipendi propri e di dipendenti pubblici operativi in modalità smart work , che per diversi motivi e la maggioranza dei lavoratori , significa semplicemente rimanere a casa .

Stamane ho parlato al telefono con un dirigente universitario , indirettamente cliente per un progetto , che mi ha segnalato come una sua proposta in tal senso fosse stata velocemente insabbiata .

  • E’ comunque un pensiero costante il fatto che il peso maggiore di questi provvedimento graverà come per il debito pubblico accumulato  sulle giovani generazioni : e’ un po’ come se la tecnocrazia al potere tendesse sempre a privilegiare la generazione di appartenenza  … e lo dice uno vecchio.

  • Un  pensiero in tema di macroeconomia e sul nostro paese : se l’Italia come paese piu’ debole  vuole uscire bene  da questa  crisi deve obbligare l’Europa alla emissione di bond garantiti  e se qualcuno in Europa si oppone : ITEXIT  con sponda  negli USA di Trump o nella UK di Johnson, meglio colonia loro che Grecia 2 … forse e’ solo con una rottura  totale che l’individualismo italico potrebbe ricompattare le forze ed esaltarsi nella sua unicità.

  • Uno scommettitore razionale sarebbe in imbarazzo oggi dovendo scegliere tra 2 opzioni sul futuro dell’Italia , con entrambe quotate alla pari : 1° opzione , l’Italia continua nel progressivo declino avviatosi almeno 20 anni fa  2° opzione l’Italia riparte con tante risorse, energie ed impegno e  pur tra molte difficolta’ ritorna a crescere piu’ della media europea ed addirittura mondiale : io da inguaribile ottimista scommetto sulla seconda , ma la vorrei a 1 e ½ ...



March 30, 2020

War to COVID-19 : we are shipping in Mexico a new big injction press for automotive rubber to metal goods

See pictures and details of this special double shuttle press ( 2 lower mold , 1 top cold runner block with upper single mold).

March 27, 2020

Fighting COVID-19

We are experimenting a new way of surviving and the only recipe is to remain strong in our determinatios, keep on working in the safest way and be SMART.

SMART doesn't mean you have to go work or stay home just because you are obliged, it means that you better use your best capacities to help yourself and , your country and everybody to return to normality, possibly to an improved normality.

Next stage, going out progessively from this crisis  SMART will mean innovation and intelligence, to apply to personal life and to each sector, including the rubber industries.

A lot of ideas and projects are coming up from this small reality!

November 03, 2019

Injection molding on Suprema tiebarless 100 tons injection vertical press

C frame injection presses are the most ergonmic system for operator assisted  rubber molding operations

April 01, 2020


 Forget traditional rubber mixing by internal mixers , open mills , extruders , batch offs and so on ,.

Continuos mixing is the future and it is at present already used for  special rubber compounds and for  continuos productions without major recipe changes !

January 23, 2020

Rubber injecton by gearpump + injection unit

A new injection technology that makes more productive injecting big volumes or looking for accuracy ;also making cure cycles .quicker and reducing labour , specially for parts over 5 liters without limits..

March 29, 2019

Gearpump for rubber filtering

Autonomos gearpump made at Suprema .can apply to extruders , mixers , rolling feeders to strain and extrudate rubber compounds at high pressure and low temperatures

October 05, 2016


"A young firm with a glorious past".

October 01, 2016


Interview with Dr. Coscia – Investigation “Tecnologie e materiali sono gli ingredienti del successo italiano”.

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